Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery-thriller television series loosely based on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard. The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. After an initial order of 10 episodes on June 28, 2010, ABC Family ordered an additional 12 episodes for season one. These episodes began airing on January 3 and ended on March 21, 2011. The ratings success of the first 10 episodes prompted the book series to be extended beyond the initial eight novels. On November 29, 2011 ABC Family renewed the series for a third season, consisting of 24 episodes (still airing). The third season premiered on June 5, 2012.
Set in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale), Hanna Marin (Ashley Benson), Spencer Hastings (Troian Bellisario) and Emily Fields (Shay Mitchell), four girls whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse). One year later they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets. At first they think it's Alison herself, but after she is found dead, the girls realize that someone else knows their secrets—including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew. Alison was also stalked by A, and the girls continue to find more and more information about A and Alison's disappearance-all while risking their lives.
Lucy Hale plays Aria Montgomery, the "artsy girl" of the group who moves back to Rosewood with her family after spending a year in Iceland. At a bar, she meets Ezra Fitz and kisses him, only to discover on her first day of school that he is her English teacher. They decide to continue their relationship in secret and do so for some time, until eventually making their romance public.
Troian Bellisario plays Spencer Hastings, the "smart girl" of the group. She is an extreme perfectionist who always tries to please her wealthy parents who are clearly more affectionate and caring towards her older sister Melissa. Spencer was the only person who was brave enough to stand up to Alison, and may have been one of the last people to see her alive.
Ashley Benson plays Hanna Marin, the "It girl" of the group who struggles with self-image issues and bulimia. A "loser" while Alison was alive, Hanna subsequently transformed herself into the most popular girl in school along with her best friend, Mona Vanderwaal. She falls in love with Caleb Rivers, a phone hacker and relative newcomer to Rosewood.
Shay Mitchell plays Emily Fields, the "jock girl" of the group. Emily was closest to Alison before her disappearance and was also in love with her. A closeted lesbian, Emily was later outed by "A". She falls in love with and dates Maya St. Germain. During this time, she also befriends Toby, Jenna Marshall's step-brother, even though she was distrustful of him at first.
Sasha Pieterse plays Alison DiLaurentis, former "Queen Bee" of her clique and the most popular girl in the school before her disappearance and death. Although she cared for her friends, she enjoyed using their deepest secrets against them to keep them in line. Charming and manipulative, Alison was skilled at finding ways to blackmail everyone, and was thus hated by many people. She was killed a year prior to the beginning of the series. The show's main premise revolves around the mystery of Alison's murder.
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